Halloween 2019

1:06 PM

This was our first year dressing up Lily for Halloween since she was only a few weeks old last Halloween! I made her a little swan costume & she was so cute it in! Holidays are so much fun with a little baby! We took her to our ward trunk or treat & she loved watching all of the other kids & sitting on my lap to help hand out candy!

The day before Halloween I took Lily to story time at the library & they said to have the kids dress up. I put her in her costume & it was a little bit hectic because it started shedding feathers. I was wearing black pants that were soon covered in feathers, haha! It was so cute to see all the kids all dressed up & crawling around playing! There was one older girl in a chicken suit that Lily sat by & just kept touching the feathers for a few minutes. It was so cute seeing the 2 little birds sitting together.

A few pics with our Halloween decor

Family Halloween Dinner on Sunday

On Halloween evening we went to Brittany & Matt's house. Brittany made chicken pot pie & we brought roasted acorn squash, apple cider, & homemade pumpkin pie! We had dinner, handed out candy to trick or treaters, & then watched a scary movie that freaked us all out! It was such a fun Halloween! I am so excited for next year, when Lily will be old enough to trick or treat!!

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