Lily's Baby Blessing

Nate blessed Lily the Sunday after Thankgsiving, November 25th, 2018. Nate was so nervous about having her at church the first time & that she might cry during the blessing but she did great! It was a beautiful blessing & it was so nice to have so much family there! Afterwards, we had a luncheon at our house!

1st week home with Lily

Here are some pictures of our 1st week home with Lily. It was such a crazy feeling leaving the hospital & taking our little baby home, realizing we were completely responsible for her & feeling like we weren't sure exactly how to take care of a newborn! It was really nice being home though & she has been such an easy going baby. She sleeps a lot & only cries when she is hungry or tired. We have loved holding her almost all day long & I really haven't even minded waking up in the night to feed her because she is so cute! Mom came & stayed with us the first week & it was so nice! It actually felt really relaxing spending time holding Lily while she slept, watching Hallmark movies, & having mom there to talk to & making us the best meals! We loved having her stay with us!

Lily's Newborn Pictures

My friend, Sam, was so nice & took newborn pictures of Lily when she was only 10 days old. I love all of the pictures she took!!! Lily is normally so happy & calm, but she did not sleep much before the pictures & would not fall asleep when we got to Sam's so she was actually wide awake in all of the pictures even though she looks asleep in some of them. It was a little stressful trying to keep her happy & do outfit changes but totally worth it when we saw the pictures. I never want to forget Lily's newborn stage, she has been the sweetest little baby!

Hospital Pictures by Britt

Brittany took some cute pictures of Lily at the hospital when she was only a day old! I love how they turned out! That was such a special time in the hospital!

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