I am so excited that I am pregnant!! We feel so incredibly thankful & it still feels unreal! I found out 7 weeks ago, I had been feeling very grumpy & getting annoyed at poor Nate for several small things. I knew I could take a pregnancy test in a few days, but decided to take one early just to see. I took the test & looked at it a minute later & it looked like it only had one line but then when I looked a little closer I saw the slightest second line. It was such a crazy feeling, just like last time, & I was so excited & shocked, I started jumping up & down & then wanted to think of a quick way to tell Nate because I was so excited & cannot keep secrets. I thought it would be cute to make a little video of his reaction so I came out the the kitchen where he was holding Lily & told him I wanted to take a video doing a little family dance party. I turned on "Angel" by Jack Johnson, quickly scribbled on a note "Mommy's pregnant!!" to give Lily, & then turned on the video (or thought I did). Nate was dancing so cute with Lily & I came over & gave her the note to give Nate. She handed it to him & he opened it, took a few seconds to read it & understand it & was then sooo excited! Sadly for some reason my phone didn't record his reaction but it was still a great surprise! We feel so incredibly thankful & so excited to add another baby to our family & for Lily to have a little brother or sister!

I had my first ultrasound on April 14th. I thought I was 7 weeks but they thought from the ultrasound that I am 6 weeks so my estimated due date is December 9th, 2020. I was so nervous for the appointment, just hoping everything would look okay & that I could see & bear a heartbeat. The baby looked great & it was the best feeling to be able to hear & see their heartbeat. Nate couldn’t come into the appointment with me because of the Coronavirus but mom watched Lily so he could drive me there & watch the video I took of the ultrasound right after. Then we got Blanco’s Tacos to go & took it to the railroad park to have a picnic & celebrate. I feel so thankful right now!
Pregnancy symptoms so far are: very tired, especially from 5pm on, insommnia(waking up every night about 1 or 3am & it takes an hour or two to fall back asleep, some nausea (especially today), cramping the past few weeks(really bad one day & then not as strong but constant for about all of last week). I am not complaining though, I just like to document to compare to my last pregnancy! I am so thankful for this sweet baby who I already love so much. Nate is so excited too & Lily already gives my stomach kisses when I tell her there’s a baby in there! My next appointment is in 3 weeks, then 4 weeks after that will be the appointment where we might find out the gender!!
- 1:31 PM