Conference Quote
9:46 AMI came across this quote from President Uchtdorf today & really loved it. He is one of my favorite General Authority speakers & his talks always really touch me.
"When we are grateful to God in our circumstances, we can experience gentle peace in the midst of tribulation. In grief, we can still lift up our hearts in praise. In pain, we can glory in Christ’s Atonement. In the cold of bitter sorrow, we can experience the closeness and warmth of heaven’s embrace. We sometimes think that being grateful is what we do after our problems are solved, but how terribly shortsighted that is. How much of life do we miss by waiting to see the rainbow before thanking God that there is rain? Being grateful in times of distress does not mean that we are pleased with our circumstances. It does mean that through the eyes of faith we look beyond our present-day challenges. This is not a gratitude of the lips but of the soul. It is a gratitude that heals the heart and expands the mind."
Right now I am grateful for the strong relationship that Nate & I have. I have been feeling so blessed lately that I am married to my best friend. I am thankful that we have been able to have a wonderful 3 years of marriage & traveled to so many beautiful places. I am thankful for my family & how close I am with my parents & all of my sisters. I am so thankful to live in a nice, comfortable home & to have financial stability. I am thankful that I have a healthy body that can run & exercise. I am thankful that I have a cute puppy that follows me everywhere. Even though some days are hard, I really feel so blessed.