Catching up
7:35 AMI'm trying to catch this blog up so this post is about a lot of random things from when we first moved.
Nate had his first day of teaching! I insisted on taking a picture (: He is doing such a great job teaching and doesn't even seem stressed!! I'm sure the kids love him, he does such a good job of planning fun labs and activities for them to do! He is such a hard worker and the best husband! I am so thankful for him every day!
After being in Vancouver for a couple of weeks, we flew to AZ for my little sister, Brittany's, wedding. She got married almost exactly a month after us! I flew home a few days before Nate to be there for her bridal shower. It was so much fun to see everyone!!
We went out to lunch for Ally's birthday. At Cheesecake Factory of course! We always go there for birthdays because we all love it. We have so many pictures at this exact spot!
Some pictures from the wedding weekend!
It was so fun to spend time with my little nieces and nephews! Jenna stayed at my parents house a few months ago while Melis and Sam went to Scotland. My mom had given her tortillas during her visit and she loved eating them. When Melissa and Sam got to our house, at about 10pm Jenna was sooo tired but she kept crying, big tortilla, big tortilla!!!

Loving wearing Melissa's heels.

Ethan in his football gear.

Playing in the fish pond, my dad got some goldfish so they were trying to catch them.

It was so much fun being with all of my sisters for my wedding and then again for Britt's wedding. We are all so close and my sisters are all my very best friends. I love that we all have the same sense of humor, are all the same size so we can share clothes, love eating at all of the same places, and most of all that I can call and talk to my sisters anytime at all! They are always there for me and I love them so much!
These are some pictures my cousin, Rachael took, she took the pictures for our wedding too and is an amazing photographer!

Kade was doing this pose in almost every picture..!

Cute, little Jenna, trying to go under the wedding dress (:

We had so much fun spending time with everyone! Brittany was such a beautiful bride!!