We had such a fun weekend in San Diego last week! On Friday Nate had to work, so I took Lily to see my cousin, Lindsay, & got to meet her cute twins! Then we went to Seaworld for an hour, then Con Pane, & then Windansea beach. The beach was perfect, it was sunnier than I thought it would be & Lily was super cute, loving watching the waves & putting her little feet in the sand.

Saturday we met Ally at the beach & had such a nice beach morning with her! We relaxed on the sand, walked along the beach, & then Lily took a little nap on me, the best! Then we met up with Ryan, Christina, Julie, & Nicole at the Carlsbad Flower Fields. The flowers were sooo pretty & there were so many rows of them. I think my favorites were the light pink ones but the deep purple ones were really pretty too! We got some wood fired pizza there & then got gelato at this place in Carlsbad owned by an italian couple, so good! After, we were sitting outside by this fountain thing & were getting Lily to laugh by making noises, she did her first real laugh! Then we went to my friend, Lindsey's house & met her cute little girl, Jojo, born just a month before Lily! She was so cute & it was so fun to visit with Lindsey & Sean. I love that we have babies so close in age, future surfers & BYUH roomies! That night Nate & I went on a date to a Grubhub, for some reason burgers, fries, & milkshakes sounded like the best thing & it was really good! Then we did a little shopping & then hot tubbed back at the house. It was such a fun day!!!

Saturday we met Ally at the beach & had such a nice beach morning with her! We relaxed on the sand, walked along the beach, & then Lily took a little nap on me, the best! Then we met up with Ryan, Christina, Julie, & Nicole at the Carlsbad Flower Fields. The flowers were sooo pretty & there were so many rows of them. I think my favorites were the light pink ones but the deep purple ones were really pretty too! We got some wood fired pizza there & then got gelato at this place in Carlsbad owned by an italian couple, so good! After, we were sitting outside by this fountain thing & were getting Lily to laugh by making noises, she did her first real laugh! Then we went to my friend, Lindsey's house & met her cute little girl, Jojo, born just a month before Lily! She was so cute & it was so fun to visit with Lindsey & Sean. I love that we have babies so close in age, future surfers & BYUH roomies! That night Nate & I went on a date to a Grubhub, for some reason burgers, fries, & milkshakes sounded like the best thing & it was really good! Then we did a little shopping & then hot tubbed back at the house. It was such a fun day!!!

- 3:22 PM