I can't believe I am saying this, but I am actually pregnant!!! We are having a baby in October!!!!!!! The past 4 years have been very difficult as we have been dealing with infertility, going to lots of doctors appointments & trying not to get too discouraged. We have also grown closer together through this time, felt the Lord's hand in our lives, & made some amazing memories together. Sometimes it felt like the wait would never end though & I am si happy to say that our wait is over & that it has been worth the wait!

So here is how it all happened.
I had been trying to get pregnant for about 4 years without success. After the first year, my OBGYN had me try Clomid for 6 months, which didn't work for me.Then Nate & I met with a fertility doctor who did a lot of testing on both Nate & I & told me my fallopian tubes were blocked. He did a surgery in which he said he was able to unblock both tubes. It was expensive, stressful, & I felt the worst pain I have ever felt afterwards. After that, I did 3 IUI's all with FSH injections. This was a very difficult few years. I had so many appointments to go to which was a lot of driving & missing work & the tests & procedures were very expensive. I had to have my sisters & Nate give me shots in the stomach (one of my worst fears is needles so this was really hard for me), & then had very stressful procedures done. Each time after a procedure I had a 2 week wait before taking a pregnancy test that seemed to drag on so long. It was hard to not get too hopeful or too discouraged. Then I would take a pregnancy test early in the morning & those mornings of finding out the IUI's did not work were so hard. I would take the test at about 4am because I was so excited/nervous that I couldn't sleep all night. Then I would see the negative & crawl back into bed crying, while Nate tried to comfort me. Going to work those days was so difficult. The hardest part was finding out that the 3rd IUI was not successful. Nate & I had both felt so good about it & just felt like I would be pregnant. I will never forget the sadness I felt when that last pregnancy test was negative. It was probably the most sad I have ever felt & the hardest day I have had. I had a really busy day of testing students at work with all of my coworkers that day & it was so hard to get through. I don't want to ever forget that sadness though because it makes my happiness now so much more bright.
Then we decided to switch to a new doctor & office & we are so thankful that we did. Our new doctor found out I needed a surgery right before we were going to start IVF. We had done a lot of testing to get prepped for IVF & on one of the last tests, our new doctor found that I had a very rare thing called a septum that was preventing me from getting pregnant needed to be removed. We didn't know if I would still have issues getting pregnant after the surgery or not though. Our doctor got me scheduled to have the surgery done with a surgeon he knew quickly & we were nervous & knew there were risks but felt like it was the right thing to do. We decided we would wait 3 months after I had recovered from the surgery to see if I could get pregnant without other treatments. If we didn't get pregnant, we would start infertility treatments & tests again.
After recovering from the surgery I did not get pregnant the first or second month. I started having a feeling of dread the 3rd month, thinking of going back to do the same tests & the same fertility procedures we had already done but never really had a chance of working (because of the surgery I needed). My body didn't feel any different that month & I tried not to let myself get excited that we might have a chance that I was pregnant because the days I take pregnancy tests in the past have been some of my hardest days. I have taken over 100 pregnancy tests & one of the hardest things is getting your hopes up or trying not to get your hopes up they are anyways & then you see another negative test.
On January 31st, I woke up at 5am & walked quietly to the bathroom so I wouldn't wake Nate up. I took the dollar store pregnancy test & set my phone timer for 2 minutes. Then I made myself brush my teeth while I was waiting. I really was not expecting the test to be positive at all. I had prepared myself so that I would hopefully not be too disappointed. I walked over to where I had left the test & looked at it. I saw the 1 line & put it down, disappointed. As I put it down, I realized there was possibly a very,very faint 2nd line. I was seriously in shock & unsure of if it was real. There was a time before when I had thought a test was positive, but I had just looked at it at a weird angle so I really didn't want that to happen again.
I held it another 30 seconds & the line seemed to get a little darker. I was still not positive but was starting to get excited. I went over to Nate, who was in a deep sleep & said, "Nate, I don't know what this is, but it might be something!" He was half asleep & just kind of half sat up & said "huh?" By then the 2nd line was definitely there & easy to see, so I started jumping up & down telling Nate, "I'm pregnant! I'm pregnant! We are having a baby!" He was still in shock & a little out of it, but excited. He also was a little worried that it could be a false positive. I have seriously taken over 100 tests, & they have all come back negative, so I was pretty sure this test was correct, but Nate was still a little nervous!
I had to get ready for work pretty quick, so I got ready & then went to work where I could not stop smiling! After work I picked up a 2nd more expensive pregnancy test. The cashier lady asked me, "do you want it to be positive?" I said YES!!! I hurried home & took the test which quickly showed a plus sign for positive! Then I made an appointment to get my blood taken the next day. Nate got home & was a little panicked because he had been trying to call me but I had been cutting some bibs to bring to Brooke & hadn't had my phone by me. He had wanted to hear how the 2nd pregnancy test went & was so worried that it had been negative & that I was home all alone crying. Maybe because he has seen me have so many negative tests & really hard days! He was so happy to see the 2nd test was positive & by then he was feeling really excited!
It is funny because I had pictured in my mind how I would surprise Nate & tell him I was pregnant when the day came & also cute ways to surprise our family & when it actually happened, it was not all cute but it was the best thing ever & felt like Christmas morning having a positive pregnancy test!
We had thought about if we should wait to tell family members of just tell everyone. Nate said he was too excited to wait & I was too, so we decided to tell all of my family that night & then to surprise his family when we see them in Utah this Friday. His mom doesn't have any grandchildren & has been wishing for some for sooo long so she is going to be sooo excited! I called my sister, Brittany, first. She has been trying to get pregnant for the past few years & I just wanted her to be the first one to know so she wouldn't feel sad if everyone else knew. I was so nervous to tell her because I didn't want her to feel sad, but she was so sweet & so excited. The first thing she asked was if she can film my labor & make a video for me, haha! She is the sweetest! I was so happy that she was happy for us & I have always felt like we would both have kids at the same time so I hope she will be pregnant really soon & am praying for her every day! Then Nate & I went to drop the bibs off at my sister, Brooke's house. When I was setting them down on the table she showed my this super cute little pink bib she had made & I said, "I'm going to have to have you make one of these for me.." She looked at me all funny, trying to figure out what I was saying & then I told her, "I'm pregnant!!" She started screaming & jumping up & down & then we yelled & told Cody & the boys! It was so surreal! I always imagined how I would tell everyone & how I would let Nate know & I thought of all these creative ideas but we have been trying for so long that I was just too excited & just wanted to tell everyone the news!
Next we called Ryan & Christina & then Nicole to tell them. They were really happy too! Then my mom finally called back, I had been trying to call her for like 2 hours! I said that I wanted to Facetime & she didn't want to because she didn't have any makeup on, but I called her on Facetime anyways & she got my dad. Then we told my mom & dad & they were sooo excited! My mom started working at the temple about a month ago & she had felt prompted that we would be blessed because of that & that we would be able to have children. What a miracle for us to get pregnant just a month later! We feel so blessed! Then we called Ally & Zach & told them! It was so fun telling everyone & having everyone so excited for us! It still just felt so surreal!!! On our way up to Utah the next day we stayed with Melissa & Sam so we got to tell them in person & surprise them! That was really fun because Melissa has helped me a lot these past few years! Then when we were in Utah, we surprised Nate's mom & dad by giving them a little present with pacifiers in it. Julie opened it up & looked so confused so we yelled out, "We are having a baby!" & she started jumping up & down & was so excited!!! It is going to be their first grandchild so they were both just so excited!
We went to bed that first night so excited & both woke up at about 4am, not able to fall back asleep! I just feel so happy & so incredibly blessed. My heart goes out to all those who are dealing with infertility because at the time it is so incredibly difficult & you want nothing more than to get pregnant. One of the hardest parts is not knowing when or if you will get that positive test. There is no way to know the feeling unless you are going through it. I am thankful that I never gave up hope & that I had faith, even though at times it was incredibly hard. I am thankful for my Heavenly Father for watching out for us, helping us through the hardest of times, & for this miracle of helping me to get pregnant against all odds. I know that there is a reason we went through this time of waiting & that we will appreciate this pregnancy & baby so much more because of this.
Some pics of the first few ultrasounds.

So here is how it all happened.
I had been trying to get pregnant for about 4 years without success. After the first year, my OBGYN had me try Clomid for 6 months, which didn't work for me.Then Nate & I met with a fertility doctor who did a lot of testing on both Nate & I & told me my fallopian tubes were blocked. He did a surgery in which he said he was able to unblock both tubes. It was expensive, stressful, & I felt the worst pain I have ever felt afterwards. After that, I did 3 IUI's all with FSH injections. This was a very difficult few years. I had so many appointments to go to which was a lot of driving & missing work & the tests & procedures were very expensive. I had to have my sisters & Nate give me shots in the stomach (one of my worst fears is needles so this was really hard for me), & then had very stressful procedures done. Each time after a procedure I had a 2 week wait before taking a pregnancy test that seemed to drag on so long. It was hard to not get too hopeful or too discouraged. Then I would take a pregnancy test early in the morning & those mornings of finding out the IUI's did not work were so hard. I would take the test at about 4am because I was so excited/nervous that I couldn't sleep all night. Then I would see the negative & crawl back into bed crying, while Nate tried to comfort me. Going to work those days was so difficult. The hardest part was finding out that the 3rd IUI was not successful. Nate & I had both felt so good about it & just felt like I would be pregnant. I will never forget the sadness I felt when that last pregnancy test was negative. It was probably the most sad I have ever felt & the hardest day I have had. I had a really busy day of testing students at work with all of my coworkers that day & it was so hard to get through. I don't want to ever forget that sadness though because it makes my happiness now so much more bright.
Then we decided to switch to a new doctor & office & we are so thankful that we did. Our new doctor found out I needed a surgery right before we were going to start IVF. We had done a lot of testing to get prepped for IVF & on one of the last tests, our new doctor found that I had a very rare thing called a septum that was preventing me from getting pregnant needed to be removed. We didn't know if I would still have issues getting pregnant after the surgery or not though. Our doctor got me scheduled to have the surgery done with a surgeon he knew quickly & we were nervous & knew there were risks but felt like it was the right thing to do. We decided we would wait 3 months after I had recovered from the surgery to see if I could get pregnant without other treatments. If we didn't get pregnant, we would start infertility treatments & tests again.
After recovering from the surgery I did not get pregnant the first or second month. I started having a feeling of dread the 3rd month, thinking of going back to do the same tests & the same fertility procedures we had already done but never really had a chance of working (because of the surgery I needed). My body didn't feel any different that month & I tried not to let myself get excited that we might have a chance that I was pregnant because the days I take pregnancy tests in the past have been some of my hardest days. I have taken over 100 pregnancy tests & one of the hardest things is getting your hopes up or trying not to get your hopes up they are anyways & then you see another negative test.
On January 31st, I woke up at 5am & walked quietly to the bathroom so I wouldn't wake Nate up. I took the dollar store pregnancy test & set my phone timer for 2 minutes. Then I made myself brush my teeth while I was waiting. I really was not expecting the test to be positive at all. I had prepared myself so that I would hopefully not be too disappointed. I walked over to where I had left the test & looked at it. I saw the 1 line & put it down, disappointed. As I put it down, I realized there was possibly a very,very faint 2nd line. I was seriously in shock & unsure of if it was real. There was a time before when I had thought a test was positive, but I had just looked at it at a weird angle so I really didn't want that to happen again.
I held it another 30 seconds & the line seemed to get a little darker. I was still not positive but was starting to get excited. I went over to Nate, who was in a deep sleep & said, "Nate, I don't know what this is, but it might be something!" He was half asleep & just kind of half sat up & said "huh?" By then the 2nd line was definitely there & easy to see, so I started jumping up & down telling Nate, "I'm pregnant! I'm pregnant! We are having a baby!" He was still in shock & a little out of it, but excited. He also was a little worried that it could be a false positive. I have seriously taken over 100 tests, & they have all come back negative, so I was pretty sure this test was correct, but Nate was still a little nervous!
I had to get ready for work pretty quick, so I got ready & then went to work where I could not stop smiling! After work I picked up a 2nd more expensive pregnancy test. The cashier lady asked me, "do you want it to be positive?" I said YES!!! I hurried home & took the test which quickly showed a plus sign for positive! Then I made an appointment to get my blood taken the next day. Nate got home & was a little panicked because he had been trying to call me but I had been cutting some bibs to bring to Brooke & hadn't had my phone by me. He had wanted to hear how the 2nd pregnancy test went & was so worried that it had been negative & that I was home all alone crying. Maybe because he has seen me have so many negative tests & really hard days! He was so happy to see the 2nd test was positive & by then he was feeling really excited!
It is funny because I had pictured in my mind how I would surprise Nate & tell him I was pregnant when the day came & also cute ways to surprise our family & when it actually happened, it was not all cute but it was the best thing ever & felt like Christmas morning having a positive pregnancy test!
We had thought about if we should wait to tell family members of just tell everyone. Nate said he was too excited to wait & I was too, so we decided to tell all of my family that night & then to surprise his family when we see them in Utah this Friday. His mom doesn't have any grandchildren & has been wishing for some for sooo long so she is going to be sooo excited! I called my sister, Brittany, first. She has been trying to get pregnant for the past few years & I just wanted her to be the first one to know so she wouldn't feel sad if everyone else knew. I was so nervous to tell her because I didn't want her to feel sad, but she was so sweet & so excited. The first thing she asked was if she can film my labor & make a video for me, haha! She is the sweetest! I was so happy that she was happy for us & I have always felt like we would both have kids at the same time so I hope she will be pregnant really soon & am praying for her every day! Then Nate & I went to drop the bibs off at my sister, Brooke's house. When I was setting them down on the table she showed my this super cute little pink bib she had made & I said, "I'm going to have to have you make one of these for me.." She looked at me all funny, trying to figure out what I was saying & then I told her, "I'm pregnant!!" She started screaming & jumping up & down & then we yelled & told Cody & the boys! It was so surreal! I always imagined how I would tell everyone & how I would let Nate know & I thought of all these creative ideas but we have been trying for so long that I was just too excited & just wanted to tell everyone the news!
Next we called Ryan & Christina & then Nicole to tell them. They were really happy too! Then my mom finally called back, I had been trying to call her for like 2 hours! I said that I wanted to Facetime & she didn't want to because she didn't have any makeup on, but I called her on Facetime anyways & she got my dad. Then we told my mom & dad & they were sooo excited! My mom started working at the temple about a month ago & she had felt prompted that we would be blessed because of that & that we would be able to have children. What a miracle for us to get pregnant just a month later! We feel so blessed! Then we called Ally & Zach & told them! It was so fun telling everyone & having everyone so excited for us! It still just felt so surreal!!! On our way up to Utah the next day we stayed with Melissa & Sam so we got to tell them in person & surprise them! That was really fun because Melissa has helped me a lot these past few years! Then when we were in Utah, we surprised Nate's mom & dad by giving them a little present with pacifiers in it. Julie opened it up & looked so confused so we yelled out, "We are having a baby!" & she started jumping up & down & was so excited!!! It is going to be their first grandchild so they were both just so excited!
We went to bed that first night so excited & both woke up at about 4am, not able to fall back asleep! I just feel so happy & so incredibly blessed. My heart goes out to all those who are dealing with infertility because at the time it is so incredibly difficult & you want nothing more than to get pregnant. One of the hardest parts is not knowing when or if you will get that positive test. There is no way to know the feeling unless you are going through it. I am thankful that I never gave up hope & that I had faith, even though at times it was incredibly hard. I am thankful for my Heavenly Father for watching out for us, helping us through the hardest of times, & for this miracle of helping me to get pregnant against all odds. I know that there is a reason we went through this time of waiting & that we will appreciate this pregnancy & baby so much more because of this.
Some pics of the first few ultrasounds.
- 7:57 AM