I haven't been home for Thanksgiving in 9 years, and I have missed it so much! Every year that I was in Hawaii, my friends and I would go to our ward Thanksgiving lunch (they would usually dig a pit and roast an entire pig or two!) Then we would always go surfing. (We named a place spot at Kawela Bay "Thanksgivings" because we always went there on Thanksgiving.) It was always so much fun, but I always missed my family, being home, and our traditional Thanksgiving meal.
Thanksgiving 2011

Thanksgiving 2012

Thanksgiving 2013

Thanksgiving 2014!!!

This year my sisters and I are all having Christmas with our in-laws, so Thanksgiving was kind of like our Christmas celebration too. Everyone was here except Brittany & Matt. We missed them and can't wait to see them in a few weeks!!!
Wednesday evening we all met at my Mom and Dad's to make homeade donuts and put up the Christmas tree, one of our Christmas traditions. My mom makes the best donuts, the secret ingredient is mashed potatoes! They are soooo good!!! It was so much fun putting up the tree and being with my sisters! We are all really close and I love being able to spend time with them!

Jenna wore my old Halloween costume all week!

Thursday was Thanksgiving! In the morning, my Mom, Melissa, and I went and cheered Nate, Cody, & the boys on at our ward Turkey Bowl. My favorite part was just laughing at all of the old men playing so seriously. Oh, and also Nate got depantsed on accident and we all saw it.... haha so funny!!!

Brooke was working at the hospital that day, so we had decided to postpone our Thanksgiving until Friday. We met her at the hospital and had the Thanksgiving lunch there. We took up an entire huge table!! It was fun to have lunch all together and to see where she works, it is such a nice hospital!! I felt bad for some of the nurses that were missing their Thanksgiving and didn't have family there.

After lunch we went to the park and played tennis and kickball. We always play until one of the boys has a meltdown.. haha! Melis & I played a few tennis games with just the two of us, which was fun! We used to play together in college!!
On Friday, Nate and I slept in a little and then started cooking!! I was in charge of making a German chocolate pie, pumpkin pie, and a green bean casserole and Nate was making his delicious mashed potatoes. I had decided to make homeade pie crust and right as I was baking it in the oven, my mom and sisters all texted pictures of the amazing food they were making. I pulled my pie crust out of the oven, ready to snap a picture and realized it wasn't quite picture worthy.. haha! So much for trying to be a good homemaker! In the end, it worked out though and still tasted good!

Melis, Sam, and Ally came over and it was fun to show them our new house! Then we headed to Brooke's for dinner. She always decorates everything so pretty! I wish I would have taken a picture before we started eating!
We had the best thanksgiving dinner! Smoked turkey, rolls, stuffing, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, homeade cranberry sauce, and sweet potato casserole. It was really the best Thanksgiving meal I've ever had!! To top it off, we had 6 pies!!!

On Saturday, all us girls met up to go shopping at Last Chance. We left early in the morning and got there a few minutes before the doors opened. I love how there is always a huge crowd there and everyone is so crazy running around in there! My sisters and I usually go there in December so this year we just switched up a month. I got such good deals!!!
Nate was so sweet and gave me a big budget, I didn't even end up spending all of it! It's funny because I am really strict on how much I/we spend on things. I am always stressing about spending to much on an item. Nate doesn't buy a ton of stuff, be he doesn't stress and is always having to tell me that I should buy something. We are the opposites with spending money traveling though. I looove traveling, big trips or little, and Nate likes to think about things a lot before deciding to buy tickets for a trip, while I am like, "Let's just buy the tickets already so I can start planning everything!!"
Anyways, I got 2 really cute pairs of boots, one black pair and one brown. Only $18 each and they are usually over $150 each! I also got a shirt, necklace,a really soft robe, and some Christmas presents for family. After shopping a few hours, we met up at Oregano's with the guys. I love that place! It took forever but was amazing, as usual, and it was fun to visit with everyone. At night, we went to a Snowflake football game that our cousin, Travis, was playing in. He did an awesome job and it was fun to watch!!
The weekend ended to soon, but we had so much fun! We did a lot in just a few days and had so much fun!!

Thanksgiving 2011

Thanksgiving 2012

Thanksgiving 2013

Thanksgiving 2014!!!

This year my sisters and I are all having Christmas with our in-laws, so Thanksgiving was kind of like our Christmas celebration too. Everyone was here except Brittany & Matt. We missed them and can't wait to see them in a few weeks!!!
Wednesday evening we all met at my Mom and Dad's to make homeade donuts and put up the Christmas tree, one of our Christmas traditions. My mom makes the best donuts, the secret ingredient is mashed potatoes! They are soooo good!!! It was so much fun putting up the tree and being with my sisters! We are all really close and I love being able to spend time with them!

Jenna wore my old Halloween costume all week!

Thursday was Thanksgiving! In the morning, my Mom, Melissa, and I went and cheered Nate, Cody, & the boys on at our ward Turkey Bowl. My favorite part was just laughing at all of the old men playing so seriously. Oh, and also Nate got depantsed on accident and we all saw it.... haha so funny!!!

Brooke was working at the hospital that day, so we had decided to postpone our Thanksgiving until Friday. We met her at the hospital and had the Thanksgiving lunch there. We took up an entire huge table!! It was fun to have lunch all together and to see where she works, it is such a nice hospital!! I felt bad for some of the nurses that were missing their Thanksgiving and didn't have family there.

After lunch we went to the park and played tennis and kickball. We always play until one of the boys has a meltdown.. haha! Melis & I played a few tennis games with just the two of us, which was fun! We used to play together in college!!
On Friday, Nate and I slept in a little and then started cooking!! I was in charge of making a German chocolate pie, pumpkin pie, and a green bean casserole and Nate was making his delicious mashed potatoes. I had decided to make homeade pie crust and right as I was baking it in the oven, my mom and sisters all texted pictures of the amazing food they were making. I pulled my pie crust out of the oven, ready to snap a picture and realized it wasn't quite picture worthy.. haha! So much for trying to be a good homemaker! In the end, it worked out though and still tasted good!

Melis, Sam, and Ally came over and it was fun to show them our new house! Then we headed to Brooke's for dinner. She always decorates everything so pretty! I wish I would have taken a picture before we started eating!
We had the best thanksgiving dinner! Smoked turkey, rolls, stuffing, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, homeade cranberry sauce, and sweet potato casserole. It was really the best Thanksgiving meal I've ever had!! To top it off, we had 6 pies!!!

On Saturday, all us girls met up to go shopping at Last Chance. We left early in the morning and got there a few minutes before the doors opened. I love how there is always a huge crowd there and everyone is so crazy running around in there! My sisters and I usually go there in December so this year we just switched up a month. I got such good deals!!!
Nate was so sweet and gave me a big budget, I didn't even end up spending all of it! It's funny because I am really strict on how much I/we spend on things. I am always stressing about spending to much on an item. Nate doesn't buy a ton of stuff, be he doesn't stress and is always having to tell me that I should buy something. We are the opposites with spending money traveling though. I looove traveling, big trips or little, and Nate likes to think about things a lot before deciding to buy tickets for a trip, while I am like, "Let's just buy the tickets already so I can start planning everything!!"
Anyways, I got 2 really cute pairs of boots, one black pair and one brown. Only $18 each and they are usually over $150 each! I also got a shirt, necklace,a really soft robe, and some Christmas presents for family. After shopping a few hours, we met up at Oregano's with the guys. I love that place! It took forever but was amazing, as usual, and it was fun to visit with everyone. At night, we went to a Snowflake football game that our cousin, Travis, was playing in. He did an awesome job and it was fun to watch!!
The weekend ended to soon, but we had so much fun! We did a lot in just a few days and had so much fun!!

- 12:49 PM